0:00 Cape Cod, July 1970
13:05 Going to Camp, Bike Hike, Boy Scout Camp, August 1970
16:46 The Schectners, August 1970
17:26 First Day of School, September 1970
19:38 Margots 9th Birthday, September 1970
26:06 Skiing at Speculator, January 1971
34:59 Aline Painting, May 1971
36:17 Buffalo Zoo and Penland with the Schectners, July 1971
42:13 First Day of Camp, July 1971
44:18 Watkins Glen with Eva and Harry Weiss, July 1971
45:24 Garage Sale with Mark and Ella Lelenthal August 1971
48:16 Margots 10th Birthday, September 1971
51:52 Chicago, October 1971
58:29 Watkins Glen, October 1971
1:00:42 Winemaking, October 1971
1:02:00 Playing in the Snow, January 1972